Siekh ul Hind Hazrat Maulana Mahmood ul Hassan

 The great leader  of United India Shiekh-ul-Hind Hazrat Maulana Mahmood Hassan Deobandi (may Allah have mercy on him) Captive prisoners of Malta prison, Tehreek Raishmi Roomal, Caliphate movement Shaykh-ul-Hadith of Darul Uloom Deoband, Great Mujahid of Tehreek-e-AzadiShaykh-ul-Hadith of Darul Uloom Deoband, Great Mujahid of Tehreek-e-Azadi,  Born 1851, died 1920.

Birth and early Education of Shiekh ul Hind:-

Hazrat Shaykh-ul-Hind was born in 1851 at Bareilly where his father Maulana Zulfiqar Ali Deobandi was residing. He started his education at the age of six and read Quran from Mian Ji Manglo and Mian Ji Maulvi Abdul Latif. He used to learn Persian and Arabic books from his uncle Maulana Mehtab Ali.

The beggining of Dar ul Uloom Deoband and Hazrat's student:

Hazrat Shiekh ul Hind was fifteen years old when an Arabic Madrasa was established in the city of Deoband on May 30, 1866. On the suggestion of Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanotavi, the founder of Darul Uloom, Mullah Mahmood Sahib was appointed as the first teacher of this madrassa. Education began at the famous Deoband Masjid Chhata. Hazrat Shiekh ul Hind started his historical, scholarly life as the first student of this place He learned Sahih Sittah and some other books from Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanotavi. If Maulana Qasim Nanotavi had visited Meerut and Delhi, Shiekh ul Hind would have accompanied him and continued his education in this way.

Dastarbandi and Teaching:-

According to the 19th Dhul-Qa'dah 1290, in 1873, at the Dasturbandi meeting of the Madrasa, in the presence of the great scholars and sheikhs of that time, his Dasturbandi was performed and he was appointed as the teacher of Darul Uloom Deoband.


After the resignation of Maulana Syed Ahmad Dehlavi, President of Madrasa Darul Uloom Deoband in 1308 AH 1888, Hazrat Shiekh ul Hind was given the post of President of Darul Uloom Deoband.

The first brick of Freedom and Shiekh ul Hind:

Hazrat Shiekh ul Hind took the first step in the field of Jihad for liberation from British colonial rule at a time when the entire people of India were silent. The British opposition was like inviting one's own death. In 1878, Hazrat Shiekh ul Hind founded a group called Samrat-ul-Tarbiyat. And with a determination to instill a revolutionary spirit in the youth in an organized manner. Hazrat Madani says that in the beginning there were more difficulties than expected and strong winds were encountered. The scorching slaps of wind poisoning slapped friends and relatives became sleeves. Everyone became a mentor and benefactor and became a barrier. And why not? The British had made such a precaution that looking up to politics was bound to happen. If anyone dreamed of freedom and revolution, he would die. There was a network of secret police all around, so how could anyone hope that someone could be like-minded and cooperative. In any case, Maulana Shiekh ul Hind considered it necessary regardless of all the dangers. Began to travel. Since we were disappointed with the great scholars and sheikhs, he continued to care for the sincere and wise disciples.

Establishment of Jamiat-ul-Ansar:

In 1890, Hazrat Shiekh ul Hind founded Jamiat-ul-Ansar. Maulana Obaidullah Sindhi says: In 1327 AH, Hazrat Shiekh ul Hind called me to Deoband and after hearing the detailed situation, ordered me to stay and work in Deoband. Working in Jamiat-ul-Ansar for four years, Maulana Muhammad Sadiq Sahib Sindhi and Maulana Abu Muhammad Sahib Lahore and Maulvi Ahmad Ali were with me in founding this movement. Then, on the instructions of Shiekh ul Hind, my work was transferred from Deoband to Delhi.

Purpose of Darul Uloom Deoband:

Maulana Manazer Ahsan Gilani writes that one day something happened that Maulana Habib-ur-Rehman Usmani, the deputy superintendent, called Faqir and said that you should meet Hazrat Shiekh ul Hind and find out what is the true profession of Hazrat in politics. I myself wonder why Maulana Habib-ur-Rehman Sahib chose a cosmopolitan man like me on such an important issue. But what to do now that this really happened is probably the event after Zuhr prayers. There was a room in the compound of the mosque which was named as Darul Tusnaif at that time. In this room, Hazrat Shiekh ul Hind used to spend some time doing the work of translating the Holy Quran for some time. Faqir was a resident of this compound. He was alone. On the occasion, Faqir also came from behind and asked him to do something as was the rule. He smiled and said, "Come on, what you want to say?" At the end of his speech, he saw that a special situation had befallen Hazrat and his teacher, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Qasim Sahib, founder of Darul Uloom, whom he used to remember by the word of Hazrat Ustad, said by name, what was established for teaching and learning? The seminary was set up in front of me as far as I know.

After the failure of the riots of 1857, an institution was set up to set up a center under which people could be trained to make up for the failure of 1857. The effect of Hazrat's speech which was established in the heart at that time, the results of the same effect have been interpreted in his own words. In the end, he said, "I am not resisting the path of education and learning whose purpose and goal is, but I have chosen for myself the path for which this system of Darul Uloom was established by Hazrat Ustad." After that, two paths became different. One way was education and teaching. And the other way was the same which was finally adopted by Hazrat Shiekh ul Hind and left this world with the same sect. It is thought that Sheikh Sahib had also said that he continued to perform his divine duties to the extent that he could, now the last task is left which I will do to the best of my ability. And he passed it on to those who had sent his message.

Freedom Movement Centers:

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was the great reformer of the Muslims at that time. The main point of all his activities was that the Muslims should have full confidence in the British government. Only he can protect their rights. Sir Syed's intention was that the Muslims should remain in slavery to the British and the British should not leave India. In such a dark age of slavery when not even a ray of light could be seen, Hazrat Shiekh ul Hind was the first political leader who devised a strategy of struggle and sacrifice for the complete independence of India. He secretly formed a group of mujahids and veterans. In which Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs all participated. Hazrat had rented a permanent house near his house which was known as Kothi. Hazrat established many centers of his independence front in Deoband, Delhi, Karachi, Dinpur Sharif, Chakwal, Amarwat Sindh etc. in India. Everywhere, under the leadership of different gentlemen, allegiance jihad was being taken from the Mujahideen for the freedom movement and people were participating in the movement in droves.

He made the independent tribes the center of the struggle. There he sent Maulana Saif-ur-Rehman, Maulana Fazl Mahmood and Maulana Muhammad Akbar Sahib from India and ordered them to organize Mujahedeen to attack the British government. In World War II, when the British infiltrated against the people of India and the Muslim world. Hazrat Shiekh ul Hind informed his special commander Haji Tarangzai that now is not the time to wait any longer. The war should be declared at the appropriate time. Therefore, under the leadership of Haji Sahib, the British camps were attacked and regular war broke out in which the British suffered loss of life and property. Hazrat Shiekh ul Hind had already sent his ambassadors to different countries Maulana Obaidullah Sindhi, Maulana Muhammad Mian Mansoor Ansari, Maulana Saif-ur-Rehman and others to provide resources for the war. These gentlemen in disguise endured great hardships and remained active in their centers with great success.

Tehreek Raishmi Roomal, India's Largest Plan for Independence:

The Tehreek Raishmi Roomal was a comprehensive plan and revolutionary program to launch a nationwide uprising against British imperialism and to invade the country from the Northwest Frontier Province with the help of the Turkish people and Turkish forces. The Afghan government also had to pave the way. To achieve this great goal, ten comprehensive plans were drawn up in 1905۔ The plans completed in 1914 were Hindu-Muslim complete unity, sharing of thought among the ancient and modern educated class of scholars, setting up of post-revolutionary interim government, setting up secret centers of insurgency, setting up aid centers abroad, Liaison with other countries in support of Turkey, identification of routes for external attack, simultaneous uprising and setting date for attack.

Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind and Hazrat Shiekh ul Hind:

Hazrat Shiekh ul Hind was still bound in Malta when Indian scholars decided to enter the political arena in an organized manner and for this they formed a separate party called Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind which included scholars of all schools of thought and all agreed. Until the release of Hazrat Shiekh ul Hind, Hazrat Maulana Mufti Kifayatullah Dehlavi, a disciple of Hazrat Shiekh ul Hind, was elected as the interim president of Jamiat and Hazrat Maulana Ahmad Saeed Dehlavi was elected as the interim Nazim-e-Ala. The post of Permanent Presidency was left vacant for Hazrat Shiekh ul Hind۔And when Hazrat Shiekh ul Hind was released and reached India, the presidency of Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind was handed over to Hazrat Shiekh ul Hind. The second annual meeting of the Jamiat was held in Delhi under his chairmanship in which Hazrat Shiekh ul Hind was elected as the permanent president of the Jamiat and it was also announced. But Hazrat Shiekh ul Hind died in Delhi exactly one week after this meeting.

Foundation of Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind:

The cornerstone of Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind, the only religious, political, libertarian, revolutionary party of Muslims in the subcontinent, was laid on November 24, 1919 at a gathering of Delhi Ulema. Apart from the scholars of Hanafi, Ahl-e-Hadith, Deobandi and Farangi Mahal schools of thought, the elders of the learned families of Allahabad, Badawan etc. were also included in it. This gathering was held on the occasion of the Khilafah Conference after its first meeting on 23 November 1919. Maulana Abdul Bari Farangi Mahal was declared the president of the gathering with the support of Maulana Sanaullah Amritsari's movement and Maulana Amir-ul-Zaman Salamabadi Chatgami. First, the need for a community was discussed. Later it was renamed as Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind.Maulana Muhammad Akram (Bengal) and Maulana Mufti Kifayatullah Dehlavi were held responsible for drafting the Jamiat constitution. Maulana Sanaullah Amritsar nominated Maulana Mufti Kifayatullah and Maulana Ahmad Saeed Dehlavi for the post of interim president and nazim, which was unanimously approved. Maulana Sanaullah and Maulana Syed Muhammad Dawood Ghaznavi had invited the members of Jamiat for the next meeting of Amritsar which was accepted.

Regular establishment of Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind:

The first meeting of Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind was held on December 28, 1919 in the spacious room of Islamia High School in Amritsar after Asr prayers. The meeting was attended by scholars from different schools of thought and regions. The meeting was chaired by Maulana Abdul Bari Farangi. Maulana Sanaullah Amritsari, Maulana Abu Turab Muhammad Abdul Haq, Maulana Abdul Razzaq, Syed Jalib Editor Hamdam Lucknow, Maulana Mufti Kifayatullah, Ghazi Mahmood, Maulvi Munir Zaman and Hakim Muhammad Ajmal Khan spoke on the occasion. A brief outline of rules and regulations was presented in this session.A committee consisting of Maulana Mufti Kifayatullah, Maulana Abul Wafa, Maulana Muhammad Akram Khan and Maulvi Munirul Zaman Khan was formed to compile a permanent political set of rules and regulations. On the orders of Maulana Abdul Bari, the name of Hakim Muhammad Ajmal Khan was also added to the committee. The second meeting of the Jamiat was held on December 30, 1919. The chairman of this meeting was Mufti Kifayatullah. The meeting passed proposals to read a sermon in the name of Sultan Abdul Hameed Khan and to send Indian Muslims to the Peace Conference.

Request to Hazrat Sheikh for the presidency of Jamiat:

On September 6, 1920, a special meeting of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind was held in Calcutta. One of the other proposals was the following. This meeting of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind suggests that the next meeting of the Jamiat be held in Delhi and requested Shiekh ul Hind Hazrat Maulana Mahmood Hassan to preside over it.

Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind announces permanent presidency:

According to the proposal of the third session of the Amritsar meeting, the draft meeting of the political principles and rules of the Jamiat was published by Maulana Ahmad Saeed Dehlavi, the Nazim (interim) of the Jamiat along with the record of the meeting. The second meeting of the Jamiat was held in Delhi in November 1920 and after approval it was published by the Jamiat. Following the approval of the Delhi meeting, the following persons were appointed as permanent office bearers of the Jamiat.Hazrat Shiekh ul Hind Maulana Mahmood Hassan Deobandi President.

Maulana Mufti Kifayatullah Dehlavi Vice President,

Maulana Ahmad Saeed Dehlavi Nazim

Honorary Vice President of the Jamiat of each province

Maulana Omar Raz Beg Murad Abadi, Maulana Aqeel-ur-Rehman Nadvi Saharanpuri Moin Nazim

Sheikh Fazlur Rehman Trader Delhi Amin (Treasurer).

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