General Zia Ul Haq the President of Pakistan Biography and Era

General Muhammad Zia Ul Haq (August 12, 1924 - August 17, 1988) was a former Pakistani army chief who overthrew the government of Pakistani Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in 1977 and enacted martial law and later assumed the presidency. Until his death, he held both the posts of Commander-in-Chief and President.

Early life of General Zia Ul Haq:

Former President and former Chief of Army Staff was born in 1924 in Jalandhar to a poor farmer Muhammad Akbar. Educated in Jalandhar and Delhi. In 1945 he was commissioned in the army. General Zia Ul Haq served in Burma, Malaya, and Indonesia during World War II. After the independence of Pakistan, they migrated and came to Pakistan. In 1964, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and became an Instructor at Staff College, Quetta. From 1960 to 1968 he led a cavalry regiment. Served in the Royal Jordanian Armed Forces, was promoted to Colonel Staff of the Armored Division in May 1969 and then Brigadier. He was promoted to the rank of Major General in 1973 and Lieutenant General in April 1975 and was made Corps Commander. On March 1, 1976, he was promoted to General and became the Chief of Staff of the Pakistan Army.

Deployment in Jordan of General Zia Ul Haq:

He was sent to Jordan by Pakistan in 1970. In September 1970, Shah Hussein launched a military operation to oust the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) from Jordan, which also involved tanks. The operation was led by Brigadier Zia Ul Haq. During the operation, fierce fighting broke out between the PLO and the Jordanian army, in which many innocent Palestinian refugees were killed. On the success of this operation, Shah Hussain also gave a medal to Brigadier Zia Ul Haq. It is also said that General Zia did not carry out the operation against the PLO but against a group of martyrs in the PLO. This group of Palestinians had established a state within a state in Jordan and they had twice tried to assassinate the King of Jordan.

Martial law:

In 1977, the Pakistan National Alliance (PNA) accused the general election of rigging and a series of nationwide protests against Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto began. Thus the political situation in this country deteriorated. Negotiations took place several times between the PPP and the National Coalition, and on the evening of July 4, 1977, martial law was enforced.

He did not suspend the constitution and announced that the purpose of Operation Fair Play was to hold elections in the country within 90 days. After the imposition of martial law, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was charged with the murder of a civilian. The High Court sentenced him to death and the Supreme Court upheld it. Thus, on April 4, 1979, Bhutto was hanged.

Confirmation in the installation:

On December 1984, General Zia Ul Haq held a presidential referendum in which his presidency was approved.


Announced non-partisan elections in February 1985. The PPP boycotted the elections. Muhammad Khan Junejo became the Prime Minister. Martial law was lifted on December 30, 1985 on the basis of mutual trust and on the basis of mistrust, under the Eighth Amendment, General Zia Ul Haq dismissed the government of Junaijo in May 29, 1988.

Islamic Law:

General Muhammad Zia Ul Haq enacted the Hudood Ordinance and Zakat Ordinance on punishment for theft, robbery, adultery, abstinence from alcohol, slander, adultery and flogging. Established Federal Sharia Court. And judges set up courts.


The purpose of the Soviet Russia invasion of Afghanistan was to conquer Pakistan and gain access to the warm waters of the Arabian Sea. General Muhammad Zia Ul Haq, realizing the threats to national security posed by Russia and India, decided to support the people who are working for the liberation of Afghanistan.

In some quarters, in order to discredit General Musharraf, the United States has been blamed for the Afghan jihad. But the United States joined the Afghan jihad only for its own sake. Some people say that Zia Ul Haq sowed the seeds of terrorism because the mujahids who came out of the madrassas he built became terrorists 13 years after his death. At the same time, General Zia Ul Haq started the struggle in Kashmir. To avenge Bangladesh from India, he started the Sikh Khalistan movement in India, which was to create a separate Sikh country consisting of Punjab and many other parts of India. It was led by a Sikh general who was the commander of the Indian Armed Forces at the time of Bangladesh's secession.

General Zia Ul Haq Era 1977 to 1988:

Zia Ul Haq held the government for almost eleven years. On August 8, he was the victim of a conspiracy and rose to the position of martyr near Bahawalpur in a plane crash. After Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Liaquat Ali, he was the first ruler who was not accused of corruption or financial irregularities. The subsequent government made great efforts, but could not catch a single penny of financial corruption. Of course, Zia Ul Haq was a very kind, honest and God-fearing ruler. After his martyrdom, Zia Ul Haq wife also distributed the money received on the martyrdom of her husband to the poor.

Zia Ul Haq did not take revenge on anyone during his tenure. A revolutionary poet wrote a poem against him which was reported to Zia Ul Haq by the people of CID. The deceased summoned the poet, who was apprehended by the police. Presented by Zia Ul Haq. The late President asked the poet to recite the same poem in front of me. The poet began to tremble, the believing man encouraged him and asked him to recite the poem in front of me. How could the poet not obey the order of the President? The President listened to the whole poem carefully and said, "I have listened to all your poems and you have spoken ill of me." I forgive you, because any Muslim does not take personal revenge. I am the lowest servant of Hazrat Ali (RA), son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He had overpowered his enemy and sat on his chest. He could have killed if he wanted to, but he spat on Mubarak's face. Hazrat Ali got down from his chest and went to one side. He said: You were the enemy of religion. I will not kill you because of my personal anger. Zia Ul Haq also forgave this poet despite having full power.

Zia Ul Haq made a conscious effort to establish Pakistan on Islamic lines, banning the serving of alcohol on flights. Established the system of Salat, organized the system of Zakat according to the Shariah principles. In this regard, his greatest achievement is to make the resolution objectives part of the constitution. The objectives of the resolution in the early days of the formation of Pakistan were presented by the Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan in March 1949 in the meeting of the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan. Which succeeded unanimously. Zia Ul Haq made the resolution part of the regular constitution. This was a great achievement of Zia ul Haq.

Objectives Resolution:

Since Allah Almighty is the Absolute Ruler of the universe. And it is through the people that it has given the state of Pakistan the right to exercise its sovereignty within its prescribed limits and since this sovereignty is a sacred trust, it is the representative of the people of Pakistan. A constitution should be drawn up for an independent and sovereign state of Pakistan according to which the state should exercise all the rights and powers of government through the elected representatives of the people. In which the principles of democracy, liberty, equality and tolerance and social justice, as Islam has interpreted them, should be fully observed. To enable Muslims, individually and collectively, to organize their lives in accordance with Islamic teachings and requirements, which are set out in the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

 Let the minorities be able to freely believe in and practice their religions and develop their cultures so that the areas that have now entered or joined Pakistan and other areas that will enter Pakistan in the future. Or join and form a federation۔Its members are autonomous under the four boundaries and definite powers, on the basis of which fundamental rights are guaranteed and these rights include equality under the law and public morals, status and opportunities, equality before the law, social, Freedom of economic and political justice, freedom of expression, belief, religion, worship and communication (interaction and interdependence) should be ensured by the protection of the legitimate rights of minorities and the backward and lower classes. 

The independence of the judiciary should be fully protected, so that the protection of the territories of the federation, its independence and all its rights, including its sovereignty over the sea and the atmosphere, should be protected, so that May Pakistan live a life of prosperity and well-being And to be able to attain its rightful and prominent place in the ranks of the nations of the world and to contribute to the establishment of world peace and the welfare of mankind.

Other Major Works:

That is why Zia ul Haq used to say that I will take such steps which it will not be easy for those who come after me to retreat. That is, to be honest and truthful, which is a must for every member of the Assembly. The Panama case is based on this point. If this clause is fully implemented then most of the problems of the country can be removed automatically.

The most important achievement of the martyred President Zia Ul Haq is that he firmly believed in the belief in the end of prophethood and he firmly believed that the Qadianis are the self-cultivated plant of the British Empire which the British government has tried to cultivate among the Muslims. , So that the Muslims may have doubts about the belief in the end of prophethood and through this they can eradicate the belief in the end of prophethood among the Muslims and thus promote the rebellious activities in uprooting Islam. Therefore, the late Zia Ul Haq said on May 11, 1984:

"The Qadianis have only two options: convert to Islam and become Muslims or stay in Pakistan as a minority."

Shaheed president Muhammad Zia Ul Haq was the dictator of Pakistan for 11 years. During his rule, he kept the doors of politics closed for his children and did not allow his presidency to be inherited.

General Zia Ul Haq Death:

General Zia Ul Haq was martyred in Bahawalpur accident on August 17, 1988. At the time of his martyrdom, he was in a state of ablution and had offered Asr prayers and boarded his plane. When his funeral took place, about half a million people attended his funeral. People from all over Pakistan came to Islamabad to attend his funeral after enduring hardships from all over Pakistan. Among the participants was a tall young man who was weeping profusely. People were consoling him. Who is the young man who was curious about the participants in the funeral? On this day, people came to know that this young man is Ijaz-ul-Haq, the son of President General Muhammad Zia Ul Haq Shaheed, whom no one had ever seen before. If he had wanted to, he could have been recognized as a political leader during his tenure, but he never did so, so that the throne of Pakistan would not be inherited.

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