Maulana Maududi | Syed Abul'Ala Maudud

 Syed Abu Ali Maulana Maududi was the greatest man of the last century. He was born on September 25, 1903 in Aurangabad, Hyderabad (Dekkan). He received his early education from father and exceeded the examination of Maulvi Fazil in 1914 at the age of 11 years. He took up the profession of journalism. At the age of 15, he joined the newspaper "Madina" Bijnor Bhopal. He later took over the editorship of the Muslim newspaper, the spokesman of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind. After the closure of the Muslim newspaper, he stayed in Bhopal and began extensive study. Almost 5 years later, the Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind took over the editorship of the new newspaper "Al-Jamiat" in Delhi and for four years he kept the editorship of this newspaper. This was the time in 1928 when Muslims in India were facing charges like bloodthirsty, terrorists, and murderers. Maulana Maududi wrote a book, Al-Jihad Fi Al-Salam, in defense of Jihad and Islam, and gave a blunt answer to the Hindus. He was twenty four years old at that time. He returned to Hyderabad from Delhi for some time, where he did research and writing. In 1932, he published the magazine Turjuman-ul-Quran from Hyderabad. Under the editorship of Tarjuman-ul-Quran, he wrote unique books. Books such as Islamic Civilization and its Principles, Theology, Research on Islamic Worship, Revival and Revelation of Religion.

He met Allama Iqbal in Lahore in 1937 and at the invitation of Allama Iqbal he moved from Hyderabad to Punjab. At the same time, around 1940, the Muslim League formed a committee of scholars to outline the Islamic system of government. He was also nominated as a member of this committee. In 1941 he founded the Jamaat-e-Islami in view of the plight of Muslims in India and was elected its first ameer. Maulana Maududi life is the name of constant struggle. He fought on every front and succeeded in waging jihad against socialism, communism, western civilization, capitalism and was victorious. He uttered historical words on one occasion that “a time will come when communism itself will be anxious for its own survival in Moscow”. The prediction of Maulana Maududi has come true today.

From 1950 to 1960, mountains of troubles fell on him, he was imprisoned many times. Maulana Maududi and the Jamaat-e-Islami campaigned hard for the approval of the resolution objectives across the country and forced the government to succeed. Resolution Objectives Passed Demand In favor of the Islamic Constitution, you visited all corners of the country. Held large gatherings on the usefulness of Islamic constitution. This decade of Maulana Maududi seems to be the hardest and fullest of your life. In declaring the Qadianis as non-Muslims, he wrote books such as "Belief in the End of Prophethood" and "The Issue of Qadianism" on which he was sentenced to death by the courts. In this decade, Maulana's good friends and acquaintances left you at Machhi Goth, Sindh, at the annual gathering of Jamaat-e-Islami, over ideological differences.

Around the same decade, Ayub Khan enacted his own territorial laws on which the Jamaat-e-Islami under his leadership launched a campaign against Ayub and Ayub Khan declared the Jamaat-e-Islami illegal and the party leadership was arrested and imprisoned. In the time of Ayub Khan, it seems that the opposition party was only Jamaat-e-Islami. The dictator of the time was afraid of Syed Maududi. The rulers attacked him at the cobbler's door with the help of thugs. The thugs shot him while he were speaking. Maulana's associates said that Maulana had been shot. You sit down, so he replied that, "If I sit down today, who will stand?" This decade from 1950 to 1960 was a test for Syed Maududi. In these ten years maulana has fought a war of attrition, it was a time when scholars used to criticize you severely the rulers were handcuffed and imprisoned every day. The non-Muslim forces were refuting the ideology given by Maulana.

Maulana Maududi companions were leaving him, Allah Almighty gave him so much patience and wisdom that he faced all. The struggle against Ayyub Khan's dictatorship can be seen in the next decade from 1960 to 1970. Jamaat-e-Islami was restored by the Supreme Court. He came out of jail. The great work he did in prison was to write a Tafseer on the Holy Qur'an, The most prominent Tafseer of the present time, by reading which even non-Muslims come to the valleys of Islam.

He visited Saudi Arabia in the same decade and visited the holy places mentioned in the Qur'an. In this decade, He did a lot of research work. He spent the whole night in the book room. He used to study and do research work till morning. Only 4 hours out of 24 hours he set aside for sleep. He once said that people need to know how important reading is for human beings. If I could so, "I'd positioned books in my grave instead of bricks.

From 1970 to 1979, Maulana's health deteriorated. He used to say that I have put my body in so much pain that now every single part of body is taking revenge from me. In this decade, he have apologized to the leadership of the party for poor health. The leadership of Jamaat-e-Islami was handed over to Mian Tufail Muhammad. It is not possible to cover an article on Maulana Maududi life. Many books have been published on it. His work is being investigated in many universities. He have written about 150 books. There are about 70 books that he have written. Each and every book is excellent it is a testament to its content.

The two main works of Syed Maududi for the guidance of the Ummah are: Tafheem-ul-Quran and establishment of Jamaat-e-Islami, Both these works will keep Maulana Maududi alive for the rest of the world.

Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Azad Kashmir, Occupied Kashmir are working to revive the religion according to the conditions given by Maulana Maududi. Islamic movements in other countries of the world like Turkey, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Sudan, Qatar, Indonesia, and Malaysia are also taking guidance from the thought of Maulana Maududi. In Pakistan, Jamaat-e-Islami is following the ideas of Syed Maududi.

There has been a decline in scientific research in Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan. The late Qazi Hussain Ahmed brought many successes to the party in the political area. The present Ameer Siraj-ul-Haq is also leading the party by choosing the path of the founder party.

Maulana Maududi became seriously ill in 1979. When he left for the US hospital for treatment, his colleague Maulana Gulzara Ahmad Mazaheri asked when Maulana would return. He said, "I will come home and celebrate my birthday." He passed away on September 22, 1979 at 6 pm. His body was brought to Lahore on September 25. This was his birthday. His words are fulfilled on this way. His funeral was held at Gaddafi Stadium on September 26 and was attended by millions of people.



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