Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Era, Facts, Biography, Death


Up To date, Pakistan has not seen a leader, politician or ruler bigger, better and more prosperous than Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.

A charming personality, personal ability, public popularity and national service that was second to none...!

In his only 51 years of life, he achieved the position that very few people have in history...!

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's unique awards:

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto is the only person in the history of Pakistan who has held the highest governmental and administrative positions, including President, Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, Speaker, Chief Martial Law Administrator and Supreme Commander of the Pakistan Army.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto also ruled the politics of Pakistan and there was no politician greater than him. He was the founder and chairman of Pakistan Peoples Party, the largest political party in the country, the first elected ruler of Pakistan and also the only public leader in the history of Pakistan.

Early life Era of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto:

Born on January 5, 1928 in the house of Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto, a prominent politician of Sindh region, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto received his early education in Bombay. Lincoln graduated from Barclays and Oxford universities with a degree in political science. He returned to Karachi in 1953 and became a lecturer in law, as well as practicing law.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's political life:

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto first appeared in the news on November 25, 1954 as the President of Sindh Youth Front when he expressed his reservations about the formation of One Unit.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's official services first came to light in September 1957 when he was part of a Pakistani delegation to a UN Security Council meeting where his speeches had so impressed government circles that six months later, in March 1958, When another Pakistani delegation went to attend a UN meeting in Geneva, it was led by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Ayub Khan:

On October 7, 1958, the President Maj. Gen. Iskandar Mirza suspended the Constitution, sent Prime Minister Malik Feroz Khan Noon home, dissolved assemblies and political parties, and imposed martial law across the country to make Army Chief Gen. Muhammad Ayub Khan Martial. Law Administrator was appointed. Interestingly, on October 24, 1958, General Ayub Khan was also made the Prime Minister who, just three days later, on October 27, 1958, rounded up Alexander Mirza, sacked him and took over the presidency himself. The 11-member cabinet announced by President Ayub Khan consisted of three military generals and eight non-political civilians. Among them was Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, a 30-year-old lawyer, who was appointed Minister of Commerce. He was the oldest minister.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's unique performances:

In just one and a half years, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was so impressed with his performance that on January 7, 1960, when President General Ayub Khan redistributed the ministries in his 11-member cabinet, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was the only minister to have a maximum of six ministries. The portfolios were handed over. The names of these Ministries were: Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Minister for National Reconstruction, Minister for Rural Development, Minister for Local Government, Minister for Tourism and Minister for Minority Affairs. Three months later, the Minister was also in charge of the Ministry of Fuel, Water, Power and Natural Resources. Until his appointment as Foreign Minister on January 24, 1963, the names of these Ministries also come: Minister of Industry, Minister of Kashmir Affairs, Acting Minister of Food and Agriculture and Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs (etc.).

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the Right hand of General Ayub:

In 1962, when President General Ayub Khan pretended to form a democratic government to please his Western masters, he hijacked the Pakistan Muslim League, the first party to create Pakistan. The ruling party, called the Convention Muslim League, was headed by President General Muhammad Ayub Khan and General Secretary Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, who, due to their extraordinary performance, became the greatest discovery of President Ayub Khan's government. General Ayub Khan had been with Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto for almost eight years, during which he was his direct and most trusted minister. Of the four dictators of Pakistan, if only General Ayub Khan had some positive performance or he is remembered with some respect, then the only reason was the rare gem like Bhutto which other dictators could not get.

On June 21, 1964, President General Ayub Khan had given Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto the highest civilian award of Pakistan, Hilal-e-Pakistan, but on June 17, 1966, the two parted ways. General Ayub's star was also in circulation while Bhutto was moving towards new heights.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, in practical politics:

On November 30, 1967, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto announced the formation of his new political party, the Pakistan People's Party, and stepped into practical politics. He himself became the founder and chairman of the party, and just three years later, in the December 7, 1970 elections, he won a landslide victory in present-day (or West) Pakistan. Bhutto won 81 out of 138 seats and was elected from five constituencies. The East Pakistan Awami League won 160 seats out of a total of 300 and was entitled to form a government, but Pakistan's dictator General Yahya Khan was not ready to step down. He only wanted to participate in power, not transfer of power, even the country was broken but he was still not ready to step down...!

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Yahya Khan's Foreign Minister?

On December 7, 1971, at the critical juncture of the war, President General Yahya Khan formed a national government in which Nurul Amin, who had won the only seat from East Pakistan, was made Prime Minister and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was made Pakistan's first Deputy Prime Minister and second Foreign Minister. Was In fact, the drama was created to send Bhutto to the Security Council because at that time there was not a single person in the whole country who could present Pakistan's weak position in this global isolation.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the only civil martial law administrator:

On December 16, 1971, Pakistan suffered a humiliating military defeat and East Pakistan became Bangladesh as a result of Indian occupation. Had it not been for this great tragedy, General Yahya Khan and his gang would never have relinquished power. On December 20, 1971, General Yahya forcibly handed over the powers of his President and Chief Martial Law Administrator to Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto due to the absence of a constitution. Thus Bhutto (probably) became the only civil martial law administrator in world history. Apart from these, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto also held the portfolios of Foreign Minister, Minister of Defense and Minister of Interior.

When the first elected National Assembly of Pakistan was sworn in on April 14, 1972, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto had the honor of being elected President or Speaker of the Assembly by a majority of 104 votes to 38.

Interim constitution in five months:

In just five months, the Interim Constitution was enacted on April 20, 1972, ending martial law, and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was sworn in as President of Pakistan for the second time on April 21, 1972. It was the first time in the history of Pakistan that a ruler had taken the oath of office in the national language Urdu and it was also the first time that the oath had been taken at a public gathering at Race Course Rawalpindi instead of a government building.

Permanent Constitution of Pakistan:

When the first unanimous constitution of Pakistan came into force on August 14, 1973, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was sworn in as the first elected Prime Minister of Pakistan. He got 108 votes against 28 in the National Assembly. Bhutto was not only the creator of Pakistan's permanent constitution but also the founder of Pakistan's nuclear program. He had won thousands of square miles of occupied territory where he had won the battle on the battlefield in the Shimla Accords, and had not allowed any Pakistani military officer to be tried for war crimes. In his time, where Pakistan's defense power was strengthened, Pakistan's economy was better than that of traditional rival India. He had made such reforms in every field which had become his enemy and he had to wash his hands of power.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto became Prime Minister for the second time:

In the second election held on March 7, 1977, he won 155 out of 181 seats. On March 28, 1977, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto became the first Prime Minister of Pakistan to take the oath of office for the second time. It was the first time he had nominated his deputy, Aziz Ahmed, for the post of foreign minister. It may be recalled that the record for the longest tenure as Foreign Minister in the history of Pakistan is still held by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto who was Foreign Minister for the last 15 years. Interestingly, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto is the only person in the history of Pakistan who has twice taken the oath of office of the three highest office bearers of Pakistan, President, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was never defeated by any politician in his life. Wherever Bhutto reached the heights of power, all his political opponents have failed the world and are lost in the history books.

The process of making Bhutto a role model:

The threat made to Bhutto by US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger on August 9, 1976, was a green signal for Pakistan's conspiratorial elements, traitors and snakes in the sleeve, which was immediately implemented. When the alleged rigging of the 1977 elections, the notorious Tehreek-e-Nizam-e-Mustafa and a global conspiracy against an elected government was carried out, General Zia Mardood overthrew Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's government on July 5, 1977 by force, bullying and bullying. At that time he was the head of the Organization of the Heads of State of 37 Islamic countries and also the chairman of the organization of 77 developing countries or the Third World.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's murder case:

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was first arrested on September 3, 1977, but was released on bail ten days later. He was re-arrested on September 17, 1977 and charged with murdering the father of a man named Ahmad Raza Kasuri. Bhutto had boycotted the proceedings of the case due to the open bias, personal blatant and insulting behavior of Chief Justice Maulvi Mushtaq Hussain, but on March 18, 1978, the Kolahor High Court in a unilateral action sentenced Bhutto to death. In February 1979, the Supreme Court upheld the decision by a three-fourths majority. On March 24, 1979, the Supreme Court unanimously rejected the review appeal. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto did not appeal for mercy but there were appeals from all over the world. Turkey even offered political asylum but Bhutto did not want to die in history, he gave his life but did not leave Pakistan.

On April 4, 1979, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was hanged on the gallows...!!!

Death is the truth, everyone has to die but death is the difference between deaths. Someone dies like Bhutto who lives in the hearts of people all his life, while someone dies like Bhutto's assassins who are not ready to accept even his political successors. Bhutto's name will be taken with great pride for the rest of the world because in this land of the Kyrgyz, Bhutto was the only Shaheen whose flight, the highest, whose glory, the highest and on whom I believe, now has the status of faith. Has done...!


Living Bhutto, dead Bhutto:

The great magic of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's personality on the people of Pakistan was that the living Bhutto had won the elections twice and the dead Bhutto three times. Bhutto's daughter, Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, became the first female Prime Minister of the Islamic world. Bhutto's son-in-law Asif Ali Zardari became president and half a century later, politics is still going on in Bhutto's name and votes are being cast in Bhutto's name. That is why Bhutto's grandson Bilawal Bhutto Zardari is also trying the same prescription alchemy. In the history of the world, there is hardly any other example of such an everlasting fame and popularity.


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